Where Does White Collar Crime Occur?


If you have been following along on our blog for any amount of time, you are probably already aware of how much we post about white collar crime. For whatever reason, the idea of white collar crime is one that is fascinating to a number of people. Perhaps it is because it’s thought of as a “classy crime” or maybe it’s because regardless of the crime, people are interested in it.

All it takes is a look at the screen, whether that’s the small screen of your television or the big screen at the movie theater, to see that people sometimes want to root for the bad guy. Whether it’s Walter White in Breaking Bad, Danny Ocean in Ocean’s 11 (or 12 or 13), or Neal Caffrey in White Collar, people can’t get enough.

Although it is romanticized on screen and the overwhelming majority of these works of fiction take place in New York or Los Angeles or Chicago, does it actually take place in these cities?

Does White Collar Crime Happen More Often in Large Cities?

When it comes to white collar crime statistics, here’s what we know:

In general, the average company in the United States loses around $10 per day because of white collar crimes committed by employees. We also know that men commit around 75% of all white collar crimes and that they cost their companies more than four times the amount of money that women who commit the same white collar crimes cost their companies.

While companies in large cities are likely to be targets for would-be white collar criminals, one other statistic puts things into perspective to answer our question—the vast majority of the time, white collar crimes are committed by people who work in companies that contain fewer than one hundred employees. That’s right, small businesses are often the biggest victims of white collar crime!

Because of the sheer number of small businesses in the United States, small businesses are statistically the most likely to be taken advantage of.

Sure, we hear about these white collar crimes from time to time, but the reason we so often only hear about white collar crimes being committed in larger cities is because of the magnitude of those crimes. After all, is anyone interested in hearing that the Average Joe in Smalltown, USA was convicted of stealing a thousand bucks from his employer when we hear about the billions of dollars involved in scandals like the one at Wells Fargo?

If you’re looking for a white collar crime lawyer in Newark, look no further than the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot! With over four decades of experience, our team has the attitude you need in your corner when you’re facing white collar crime charges. Let us work aggressively for you in order to help you gain the ground you need when it’s time for your trial.

We’ll fight hard to protect your rights and ensure that you get the results you desire at your trial. To speak with us, simply contact us online to start the process. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to set up a free initial consultation where we will discuss your case and provide you with advice on your next steps.