Why get a tax evasion lawyer? Is there a difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? Luckily for you, the Law Offices of Robert J. Degroot has the
If you’re charged with tax fraud, it can be the beginning of a long nightmare if it’s not handled correctly. It can take a number of years to undo the damages of a tax evasion charge; take into account all of the back taxes, penalties, and interest you’ll have to pay for and it can seem nearly impossible. That’s why it’s so important to know what you’re up against.
According to an article from Michael Wenzel for the Journal of Applied Psychology, “tax avoidance is the legal use of tax laws to reduce one’s tax burden.” He goes on to note that “both tax evasion and avoidance can be viewed as forms of tax noncompliance, as they describe a range of activities that intend to subvert a state’s tax system, although such classification of tax avoidance is not indisputable, given that avoidance is lawful, within self-creating systems.”
Tax evasion, on the other hand, deals with unreported income. What this means is that there is a difference between the income that is actually received and the income that is reported on a tax return.
If you’re confused, that’s okay. What you need is a tax evasion lawyer who understands the ins and outs of tax fraud. If you’re in Newark or Trenton and are in need of a tax evasion lawyer, why not give us a call at 973-453-9607 for a free consultation? If you’re up against tax fraud charges, we’ll work hard to limit the damage that you incur.