I’ve been charged with healthcare fraud! What should I do?

If you’ve been charged with healthcare fraud in New Jersey,you need the right knowledge and legal defense plan! According to the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, the annual cost of healthcare fraud in the United States is nearly seventy billion dollars. Healthcare fraud and abuse is considered a federal crime. Additionally, there are also state-level […]

Six Steps for Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney

No one wants to go through the experience of being charged with a crime. It has the power to upend your entire world. Quite suddenly, your life and its regular day-to-day routine will be thrown by the wayside so you can focus on what has become the most important thing: building the kind of strong […]

Every Citizen Accused of a Crime is Entitled to these 5 Things

Being accused of a crime is a serious matter. In turn, it requires serious consideration by the accused in order to best protect their rights as a US citizen to ensure the best possible outcomes based on the charges they’re facing and their ability to create a sound defense against those accusations. When accused of […]

I’ve been accused of drug trafficking in New Jersey. What should I do?

What is drug trafficking? Drug trafficking is often narrowly thought of as the distribution of illegal drugs, but can also refer to a broader variety of activities beyond distribution, including cultivation, manufacturing, importation, and sale of illicit substances.  It’s important to note that drug trafficking is distinctly different than drug possession. Drug possession is the […]

I’ve been accused of tax fraud. How can a defense attorney help me?

What is tax fraud? Tax fraud, or tax evasion, is the deliberate evasion of tax payments or the deliberate obfuscation of accurate tax assessments. Tax evasion can be conducted by individuals, corporations, or trusts. Typically tax fraud is done through the misrepresentation of the individual, corporation, or trust’s financial affairs to the Internal Revenue Service […]

Your Right to Representation: A Court-Appointed vs. A Private Criminal Defense Attorney

You have the right to a criminal defense attorney in New Jersey If you or a loved one find yourself in the unfortunate position of being accused of a crime, the most important thing you can do is to secure a criminal defense attorney. As a U.S. citizen, you have the right to an attorney […]

You’ve Been Charged With a Federal Crime: What You Need to Know

No one, and we repeat, no one wants to be charged with a crime. But being charged with a federal crime? That’s a whole different ball game, one that most aren’t prepared to play.  Of course, one of the primary differences between facing state and federal charges relate to jurisdiction, meaning that the resources and […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Being Falsely Accused of a Crime

It sounds just like an episode of Law and Order, but, unfortunately for you, it’s the real thing: You’ve been falsely accused of a crime. If that sounds like a nightmare, well, that’s because it can certainly feel that way. Being falsely accused of a crime can upend your entire world, causing massive disruptions in […]

I’ve Been Charged With a Crime- Now What?

Essential Things You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged With A Crime For some, it’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: You’ve been charged with a crime. Or, you fear, you’re going to be charged with a crime. Either way, the magnitude of these circumstances can cause you to experience all sorts of emotions, which, in […]

Can I Lose My Job If I’ve Been Accused of a Crime?

It’s incredibly stressful to find yourself accused of a crime. There are many scenarios that can run through your head when you’ve been accused. These can include questions like, “How will this impact my life?” “What will this do to my reputation?” and, of course, “Can I be fired from my job because I’ve been […]