Bank Fraud Charges Require An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney


If you’ve been arrested or indicted on charges related to bank fraud, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Because you’re dealing with charges at the federal level, this is nothing to take lightly.

We’ve seen incredible examples in the last decade of bank fraud…some people have gone to prison. On the other hand, some have had legal counsel who had the knowledge and experience to find more lenient terms. That’s how you know you’ve found the right criminal defense lawyer.

The government and its prosecutor are on the hunt, pressing their advantage at every opportunity. Because the sins of the last 15 years are just now coming to light, you could say it’s “hunting season” for anyone allegedly involved in bank or mortgage fraud. Because of this they are better-funded than ever and may be overreaching and indicting more people than they should. This could be you, and they could get a false-conviction that might have been avoided if you’d found the right federal criminal attorney.

For bank cases that involve such a huge amount of paperwork, you’ll need criminal defense law firm that can navigate the laws and the raw information that’s thrown at them. At the law offices of Robert J. DeGroot, we specialize in such white collar crimes because we have the team to navigate both paperwork and the law.

When you’re brought up on charges, you need someone on your side immediately. If you’re innocent, we need to find the evidence as soon as possible. Just because money is missing doesn’t mean you took it. And if you have committed a crime, you need to know all of your options to most efficiently navigate the legal system. Call our criminal law firm today.