What is Embezzlement, and What to Do If You’re Accused of It 

White collar crime is typically described as a victimless crime; however, the white-collar crime of embezzlement can ruin relationships, families, trust, and even lives. Embezzlement tends to hit victims harder because the perpetrator is someone they know and trust. Keep reading to learn more about embezzlement and what to do if you’re accused of it […]

What is Phishing, and Is It a Crime? 

Hook, line, and sinker. Phishing is a serious crime with serious consequences not only for those who commit the activity, but the victims of the offense as well. It may sound like a game of chance, but phishing activity is complex and targeted.  What is Phishing?  Phishing is the attempt to steal sensitive information through […]

Breaking Down Alec Baldwin’s “Rust” Indictment 

Baldwin is facing a new indictment of involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Why is there a new indictment and what do the experts say? Keep reading to learn more.  Summary of the Incident  On October 21st of 2021, Alec Baldwin was in New Mexico rehearsing a scene for the […]

I’ve Been Charged with Insurance Fraud–What Do I Do? 

Insurance fraud is very complicated. Let the legal team at Robert J. DeGroot help defend you against it.

Six Steps for Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney

No one wants to go through the experience of being charged with a crime. It has the power to upend your entire world. Quite suddenly, your life and its regular day-to-day routine will be thrown by the wayside so you can focus on what has become the most important thing: building the kind of strong […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Being Falsely Accused of a Crime

It sounds just like an episode of Law and Order, but, unfortunately for you, it’s the real thing: You’ve been falsely accused of a crime. If that sounds like a nightmare, well, that’s because it can certainly feel that way. Being falsely accused of a crime can upend your entire world, causing massive disruptions in […]

What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Attorney

You’ve been charged with a crime. Or maybe you suspect that you’re about to be charged with a crime. It doesn’t matter if the offense is an indictable  or a disorderly persons — the charges could have a major impact on your life and quite possibly change its trajectory.   Just about anyone can be […]

I’ve Been Charged With a Crime — Now What? Essential Things You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged With A Crime

  For some, it’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: You’ve been charged with a crime. Or, you fear, you’re going to be charged with a crime. Either way, the magnitude of these circumstances can cause you to experience all sorts of emotions, which, in turn, can lead to reactive behaviors that could seriously jeopardize your […]

Get to Know Our Law Firm

We’ve written in the past about just how important it is to find a criminal lawyer that you can count on when you’re in need. Yes, the situation is stressful but taking the time to find a team that is qualified to handle your case can make all the difference. That’s why in today’s post […]

The New Jersey Criminal Attorney You Can Count On

  Sometimes it can come as quite the shock. Of course no one wants to be notified that they are being investigated for committing a white collar crime, but the truth of the matter is that it does happen from time to time. Needless to say, it can cause a person to start questioning some […]