What is Bank Fraud and When is it Time to Hire a Defense Attorney?

opiagIt’s well known that bank fraud is often considered a criminal offense, but how is it different than simply robbing a bank? The goal of both is the same, right? After all, at the end of the day, the goal of bank fraud and bank robbing are both to take home money that doesn’t belong to you.

The difference, of course, is that bank fraud is known for its use of a scheme as the primary method of collecting money. The most well known instance of bank fraud in modern culture, of course, is what occurred at Wells Fargo a few months ago. Without a doubt, it’s the most widespread account of bank fraud that many Americans have seen in their lifetimes.

In that particular instance, employees were opening accounts, creating fraudulent loans, and signing up for checking accounts in order to ensure that their jobs were safe. As you can tell, bank fraud occurs for a number of different reasons.

From stolen checks to forging bank statements to fraudulent wire transfers, there’s no shortage to what can be considered bank fraud. Luckily for you, if you’re under investigation, we’re here to help. Curious about what you can expect from our team? Keep reading to find out!

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If You’re Facing Bank Fraud Charges, Hire the Best Criminal Defense Attorney in Newark

No matter what form of bank fraud charges you’re up against, our team is here to help. We’ve been dealing with bank fraud cases for quite some time and our goal is always to help our clients secure a positive resolution to the situation they find themselves in.

With over forty years of experience, bank fraud lawyer Robert J. DeGroot is here to make sure that you receive an aggressive defense. If you’re looking for professional, courteous advice and personalized attention, our team is the perfect fit.

Because cases involving bank fraud can often feel drawn out and time consuming (not to mention heavy on the paperwork), it’s important to have a bank fraud lawyer on your side who knows the ins and outs of the situation and what to expect every single step of the way.

Contact Our Criminal Law Firm Today

It doesn’t matter what you’re up against. At this point, we’ve seen it all and we’ve defended our clients against a number of charges, working hard to ensure that they get the outcome they desire. If you’re being investigated for bank fraud, schedule an appointment with our team today.

Backed by a team of professional paralegals and associates, bank fraud lawyer Robert J. DeGroot knows the ins and outs of bank fraud. With more than four decades of experience under his belt, he’s standing by to take up your cause in order to make sure that when you need help the most, you get the best help available.

To get started, simply contact us, providing our team with a bit of information about how to be in touch with you and we’ll get back to you to schedule your free consultation.