The Role of Intent in Federal Drug Possession Cases: Building a Strong Defense

Getting caught in possession of illegal drugs can land you in serious trouble, but intending to sell or distribute the drugs will result in a felony charge. Keep reading to learn more about why “intent” in drug possession cases means so much to your defense.  The Importance of Intent  Simply put, intent means you meant […]

Everything You Need to Know About Drug Possession in New Jersey

Being accused or convicted of drug possession in New Jersey is life altering. The penalties for a conviction can ruin your reputation, your career, and your family. Keep reading to learn more about how drug possession is treated in New Jersey and how you can protect yourself if you are accused.  Drug Possession No doubt […]

Are All Drug Crimes Federal Offenses?

Any drug crime you are convicted of is a serious manner and can result in harsh fines, prison sentences, and a lifelong criminal record. However, there are differences in drug crimes, especially sentencing differences at the state and federal level. Keep reading to learn more about drug crimes and the consequences of being convicted.  What […]

Can You Travel With Prescribed Controlled Substance Drugs? 

Traveling, whether for business or leisure, can be hectic. Preparing for a trip means being organized and making sure everything you need is not forgotten. Traveling with prescribed controlled substance drugs can add a new level of stress, but with some planning ahead, it doesn’t have to. Keep reading to learn the facts about traveling […]

What’s the Difference Between Drug Possession and Drug Trafficking? Here’s What to Do if You’ve Been Accused of Either.

Learn the difference between drug possession and trafficking, and how you can protect your rights, from the criminal defense specialists at The Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot.  Why New Jersey is an important part of the drug trade New Jersey is the 9th most populous state in the nation and its location makes it […]

How To Protect Yourself Against Drug Trafficking Charges in the State of New Jersey

Information to Help You Understand a Drug Trafficking Charge   Drug Trafficking in New Jersey Drug trafficking is defined as the illegal sale, manufacture or creation, transport, movement, and/or distribution of any substance that is either illegal to own or was illegally acquired. In New Jersey, if you are charged with a drug trafficking offense, your […]

I’ve been accused of drug trafficking in New Jersey. What should I do?

What is drug trafficking? Drug trafficking is often narrowly thought of as the distribution of illegal drugs, but can also refer to a broader variety of activities beyond distribution, including cultivation, manufacturing, importation, and sale of illicit substances.  It’s important to note that drug trafficking is distinctly different than drug possession. Drug possession is the […]

You’ve Been Charged With a Federal Crime: What You Need to Know

No one, and we repeat, no one wants to be charged with a crime. But being charged with a federal crime? That’s a whole different ball game, one that most aren’t prepared to play.  Of course, one of the primary differences between facing state and federal charges relate to jurisdiction, meaning that the resources and […]

Put Your Trust in an Experienced Newark Criminal Lawyer

If you’re facing white collar crime charges, there’s a good chance that your best bet is to seek a criminal lawyer with plenty of experience in defending clients. The good news is that at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot, we have over four decades of experience in defending our clients against a variety […]

How Accurate Are Depictions of Criminal Law?

  The judge bangs the gavel while crying for order in the court. People are sobbing. Camera flashes are going off and the local media is reporting on the outcome of the trial. These are all things that we picture in our minds easily. For many of us, this is our idea of what a […]