What is the Difference Between Street Crime and White Collar Crime?

Street Crime vs. White Collar Crime While street crimes and white collar crimes are prosecuted similarly in the court of law, there are some major differences that influence the consequences associated with each. There are also some distinctions between how each category of crime is classified, and what types of infractions constitute each type.  Street […]

Why Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney is Not an Admission of Guilt

You may be concerned that hiring a criminal defense attorney makes it appear like you’ve committed a crime and are trying to find a way out of the consequences. That theory could not be further from the truth. Hiring an attorney when you’ve been accused of a crime is the only way to ensure that […]

Can You Travel With Prescribed Controlled Substance Drugs? 

Traveling, whether for business or leisure, can be hectic. Preparing for a trip means being organized and making sure everything you need is not forgotten. Traveling with prescribed controlled substance drugs can add a new level of stress, but with some planning ahead, it doesn’t have to. Keep reading to learn the facts about traveling […]

Help! What Should I Do If I’ve Been Accused of Embezzlement? 

Being accused of a crime can be life-altering. An accusation of embezzlement questions your character and threatens your livelihood. Continue reading to learn more about what to do if you’ve been accused of embezzlement.  What is Embezzlement?  Embezzlement is the fraudulent taking of personal property by someone to whom it was entrusted. The difference between […]

Who Investigates and Prosecutes White Collar Crime?

State and Federal agencies have innumerable resources at their disposal to investigate and prosecute white collar crimes. This is why securing an experienced criminal defense attorney is essential if you’ve been accused of a white collar crime.  White Collar Crime  White-collar crime is generally non-violent in nature and includes public corruption, health care fraud, mortgage […]

Are White Collar Crimes Felonies?

White collar crime sounds harmless — a person in business attire committing some kind of indiscretion that may end up with them being fired but won’t have a lasting effect on anyone else. This is wrong. White collar crime is treated very seriously and often prosecuted by the government resulting in long prison sentences and […]

​​What Happens If I Don’t Report My Business Income? 

Owning a business comes with many rewards as well as many responsibilities. Come April and one of these responsibilities include filing an annual income tax return. This non-revenue generating administrative aspect of your business might be mundane, but there are major legal and financial consequences if you neglect to file your taxes. Failure to file […]

What Is Bankruptcy Fraud?

Federal bankruptcy proceedings provide a framework for those who are heavily burdened by debt to get financial relief. There are honest and legitimate reasons as to why someone might need their slate wiped clean. However, in the United States, about 10 percent of bankruptcy filings involve fraudulent claims. Read on to learn how someone might […]

5 Reasons to Choose the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot for Your Defense

Been accused of a crime? You need an attorney! It’s true. If you’ve been accused of committing a white collar crime, the first thing that you should do is secure an attorney.  Why? Your freedom hangs in the balance. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been falsely accused or not, law enforcement typically seeks out swift […]

Some of 2021’s Most Outrageous Felonies

In the U.S., citizens are accused of crimes every single day With a population of over 330 million, it should come as no surprise that people in the United States are accused of criminal activity.  Though it is of course the responsibility of the prosecution in any case to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that […]