How Does Having A Business Operating Agreement Protect Me During Times of Conflict?

Establishing a new business is a strategic and intentional process. In order to be successful, the operational responsibilities of the business shouldn’t be undermined by the enthusiasm of starting a new company. By this, we mean having a solid foundation for how your business is run will not only set you up for future success […]

What Is Bankruptcy Fraud?

Federal bankruptcy proceedings provide a framework for those who are heavily burdened by debt to get financial relief. There are honest and legitimate reasons as to why someone might need their slate wiped clean. However, in the United States, about 10 percent of bankruptcy filings involve fraudulent claims. Read on to learn how someone might […]

Help! What Should I Do If My Business Partner Is Involved in Criminal Activity? 

When things go sour in a business partnership, you might have the urge to walk away and never look back. It’s a situation no one wants to find themselves in, but it happens quite often – someone you once trusted financially, in business and in life, is now betraying you and the empire you created […]

Defense 101: Accused of A White Collar Crime? Do This!

Have you been accused of a white collar crime? Don’t panic! Do this instead. Believe it or not, the concept of white collar crime has only been around for 80 years.  White collar crime is typically categorized by actions that are non-violent in nature, and are most closely associated with alleged perpetrators who come from […]

5 Reasons to Choose the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot for Your Defense

Been accused of a crime? You need an attorney! It’s true. If you’ve been accused of committing a white collar crime, the first thing that you should do is secure an attorney.  Why? Your freedom hangs in the balance. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been falsely accused or not, law enforcement typically seeks out swift […]

Some of 2021’s Most Outrageous Felonies

In the U.S., citizens are accused of crimes every single day With a population of over 330 million, it should come as no surprise that people in the United States are accused of criminal activity.  Though it is of course the responsibility of the prosecution in any case to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that […]

2021’s Most Outrageous White Collar Crimes…So Far

January 2021: The Case of Motorized Surfboard Scam This past January, a Florida man was sentenced to six years in prison for scamming investors out of $400,000, the latter of whom believed their investments were going toward the production and distribution of motorized surfboards.  The convicted man created a company he called KRM Services and […]

Some of the Most Outrageous White Collar Crimes of 2020

January 2020: Schemes of staged accidents land Washingtonians in federal prison for insurance fraud Two washingtonians from the Spokane area staged a total of seven accidents, including those related to fall, automobile, and boating accidents in order to defraud insurance companies out of payments to the tune of nearly $1.5 million. According to the U.S. […]

You’ve Been Charged With a Federal Crime: What You Need to Know

No one, and we repeat, no one wants to be charged with a crime. But being charged with a federal crime? That’s a whole different ball game, one that most aren’t prepared to play.  Of course, one of the primary differences between facing state and federal charges relate to jurisdiction, meaning that the resources and […]

I’ve Been Charged With a Crime — Now What? Essential Things You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged With A Crime

  For some, it’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: You’ve been charged with a crime. Or, you fear, you’re going to be charged with a crime. Either way, the magnitude of these circumstances can cause you to experience all sorts of emotions, which, in turn, can lead to reactive behaviors that could seriously jeopardize your […]