How a Defense Attorney Can Help with Internet Crime Charges 

Internet crime, also known as “cybercrime”, is an ever-changing category of crime with new variations of offenses happening every day. 

Internet Crime, Cybercrime, E-Crime, Etc. 

“Internet Crime” is a broad category of violations that covers any crime committed using a computer, the internet, a mobile phone, or other technological device. Internet crime is unique in that the victims of many of the crimes are in different states, and even different countries, than the perpetrators. This complicates the prosecution of these crimes as both state and federal law enforcement agencies are typically involved. 

The consequences for internet crimes vary as much as the offenses themselves. Harsh penalties are typically sought in cases where a lot of money has been illegally taken, identities have been stolen, and lives have been greatly negatively impacted. Internet crimes can also be prosecuted under both state and federal law, so penalties differ depending on the court that decides the sentence. 

A defense attorney can help if you’ve been accused of an internet crime by investigating the evidence against you, making sure that there are no flaws in the prosecution’s case against you, and serving as a protector of your rights. Defending yourself against these types of charges is not advisable because they are so detailed and technical. Knowledge of the crimes and the consequences, as well as possible defenses against the charges will also be shared with you by your defense attorney.

Types of Internet Crime

While the tactics to commit internet crimes are ever-changing, there are some common trends. The five most common types of internet crime include: 

Phishing Scams: The goal of a phishing scam is to get unsuspecting users to give away personal information. Usually, these cybercrimes are committed by impersonating trusted and popular brands by creating fake social media profiles and rouge websites to lure users into them. 

Internet Fraud: This type of scam usually asks people to send money with the promise of a much larger sum in the short term. The most famous one is the “Nigerian” scam, also known as the “419” scam which is the number of Nigerian laws it violates. 

Identity Theft: Identity theft is one of the fastest growing internet crimes. It basically entails someone, other than you, using your Social Security number (SSN) to open credit cards in your name. 

Online Harassment & Cyberstalking: One of the fastest-growing and most publicized forms of online harassment in recent years has been revenge porn. The rise of AI imagery and deep fakes has allowed the harassers the opportunity to create their own revenge porn images with which to torment their victims. Cyberstalking focuses on one single person; the criminal reaches out to the person’s friends, family, and workplace to further get from the victim what they want. 

Online Intellectual Property Infringements: This includes counterfeit and replica goods, piracy, and patent infringement. The victims of these types of crime are usually companies that have built a reputation for themselves with popular products or goods. 

Defending Against Internet Crime Accusations

Defending against charges of internet crime is a very specialized area of law. A criminal defense attorney needs to be up-to-date in the technicalities of internet law and how to defend against so many different types of crime. Common internet crime defenses include: 

  • Lack of intent: Willfulness is a required element in most internet crimes. It must be proven that you intentionally committed the crime for your benefit. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will have the experience to prove you did not have intent. 
  • Authorized use: Permission is a big component of internet crime. If you had permission to use someone’s financial information, you may not be guilty of an internet crime. 
  • Mistaken identity: Internet crimes are usually committed from afar using a device like a mobile phone, computer, tablet, etc. It’s oftentimes hard to prove who was using the device to commit a crime.  
  • Constitutional violation: The FBI and other law enforcement agencies must follow laws when it comes to investigating internet crime. They cannot seize your phone just because they suspect something. A good defense attorney will make sure that the proper steps were followed to obtain any evidence against you. 

If you’ve been accused of an internet crime, you need an expert in the field to defend you against the charges. A criminal defense attorney, like those at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot is experienced in internet crime defense and can help advise you in order to get the best result for you. 

If you or someone you know has been accused of an internet crime, reach out to the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot!