You’ve been charged with a crime. Or maybe you suspect that you’re about to be charged with a crime. It doesn’t matter if the offense is an indictable or a disorderly persons — the charges could have a major impact on your life and quite possibly change its trajectory. Just about anyone can be […]
I’ve Been Charged With a Crime — Now What? Essential Things You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged With A Crime
For some, it’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: You’ve been charged with a crime. Or, you fear, you’re going to be charged with a crime. Either way, the magnitude of these circumstances can cause you to experience all sorts of emotions, which, in turn, can lead to reactive behaviors that could seriously jeopardize your […]
Experienced White Collar Criminal Attorney in New York and New Jersey
White collar crime is an umbrella term that covers a broad range of crimes. The cases are often highly complex and regularly go beyond the criminal courthouse and into civil litigation. Due to the intricacy of white collar crimes, it it imperative to retain an experienced and proven white collar criminal attorney. What is […]
3 Things to Do Immediately After Being Arrested
Anyone who has been arrested before will tell you that it’s not a particularly pleasant experience. Even under the best of circumstances it’s still incredibly stressful. Your mind starts racing, your heart is beating too fast, and you start to panic. Of course even if you haven’t been arrested it’s easy to imagine what it […]
Are You Seeking a Criminal Lawyer in New Jersey?
Finding yourself smack dab in the middle of a difficult and stressful legal situation is enough to take a toll on pretty much anyone out there, but the good news is that finding the right criminal lawyer can make all the difference in the world. If you’re anything like most people then you’ll find that […]
Put Your Trust in Our Newark Law Firm
There’s no two ways about it. When you’re in need of a go-to Newark law firm who knows what it takes to defend your rights, look no further than the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot. Our team goes above and beyond to protect its clients. With 46 years of experience, Robert DeGroot has built […]
Get to Know Our Law Firm
We’ve written in the past about just how important it is to find a criminal lawyer that you can count on when you’re in need. Yes, the situation is stressful but taking the time to find a team that is qualified to handle your case can make all the difference. That’s why in today’s post […]
What to Do If You’ve Been Falsely Accused of a Crime
Getting the news that you are under investigation for committing a crime–or worse yet, that you are being arrested–can come as quite the shock to many people. You’re going about your day as usual and out of the blue you get the news that seems like it will change your life forever. So what’s […]
Our Tips for Finding the Right Criminal Lawyer
Finding a criminal lawyer can sometimes be a difficult prospect even under the best of circumstances, but when you’re in the middle of a difficult situation it gets that much trickier. So what can you do to make sure that you’re on the right track? The good news is that that’s the topic of […]
Find a Lawyer Who Can Do These Things
Undertaking the task to find a lawyer can sometimes feel like a challenge, but the good news is that if you are reading this right now and you’re looking for a white collar crime lawyer in Newark or the surrounding area, you’re already off to a good start! At the Law Offices of Robert […]