What Is Organized Crime?

Organized Crime  The History Organized crime in the United States began in the early 19th century. Irish, Italian, and Eastern European Jewish immigrants living in urban ghettos formed street gangs and crime syndicates in order to achieve the American dream in the shortest amount of time possible. Robbery, extortion, counterfeiting and other illegal activities provided […]

Why Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney is Not an Admission of Guilt

You may be concerned that hiring a criminal defense attorney makes it appear like you’ve committed a crime and are trying to find a way out of the consequences. That theory could not be further from the truth. Hiring an attorney when you’ve been accused of a crime is the only way to ensure that […]

How the Best Criminal Defense Attorneys Spend Their Days-And Why That Matters to You!

A career where someone’s life depends on how well you do your job means dedication, education, persistence, and loyalty reign supreme! Being a criminal defense attorney is a demanding job. No day is ever the same, but all days call on similar strengths for those who excel at the position.  According to the American Bar […]

How Does Having A Business Operating Agreement Protect Me During Times of Conflict?

Establishing a new business is a strategic and intentional process. In order to be successful, the operational responsibilities of the business shouldn’t be undermined by the enthusiasm of starting a new company. By this, we mean having a solid foundation for how your business is run will not only set you up for future success […]

5 Reasons to Choose the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot for Your Defense

Been accused of a crime? You need an attorney! It’s true. If you’ve been accused of committing a white collar crime, the first thing that you should do is secure an attorney.  Why? Your freedom hangs in the balance. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been falsely accused or not, law enforcement typically seeks out swift […]

Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Scams

What is cryptocurrency? Odds are, you’ve probably heard the term cryptocurrency being used quite a lot in the last few years. But do you really know what it is, how it’s managed, or how you can use it? For many, cryptocurrency is still quite mysterious, and since so much of this world is still very […]

How the Rich Use South Dakota as a Tax Haven

What is a tax haven? The Cayman Islands. Bermuda. Switzerland. Luxembourg. The British Virgin Islands. These are some of the world’s most well-known tax havens. But…South Dakota? The United States isn’t typically known for such tax advantages, yet it was recently discovered that approximately a half-trillion dollars is being sheltered in trusts in the Midwestern […]

Help! I Think I’m Wrapped Up In A Pyramid Scheme

What is a pyramid scheme? If you’re involved in a business or organization that relies on making money from recruiting investors — specifically the act of the owners or initial promoters of the business using investor recruitment, which in turn requires those investors to bring on more investors, and then those investors to bring on […]

So You’re Facing State or Federal Firearms Charges

What are firearms charges? The term “firearms charges” actually refers to a broad range of alleged crimes, ranging from illegally distributing, selling, purchasing, discharging, or even possessing a firearm. These charges can be especially serious when they relate to the transport of firearms across state lines, as they then become a federal vs. state charge.  […]

What Are the Panama Papers? What Are the Paradise Papers?

It’s no secret that many people, organizations, and corporations do not enjoy paying taxes. Many will do all they can through certain accounting practices and other methods to legally make use of loopholes or altogether circumvent aspects of the tax system in an effort to pay as few taxes as possible.  Though the idea of […]