Help! What Should I Do If My Business Partner Is Involved in Criminal Activity? 

When things go sour in a business partnership, you might have the urge to walk away and never look back. It’s a situation no one wants to find themselves in, but it happens quite often – someone you once trusted financially, in business and in life, is now betraying you and the empire you created […]

Some of 2021’s Most Outrageous Felonies

In the U.S., citizens are accused of crimes every single day With a population of over 330 million, it should come as no surprise that people in the United States are accused of criminal activity.  Though it is of course the responsibility of the prosecution in any case to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that […]

What Do You Know About Holiday Scams?

What are holiday scams? Holiday scams are essentially crimes committed against unwitting victims who, during the course of the Hanukkah and Christmas season, give away money, property, or other valuables to criminals willing to exploit their vulnerability by using holiday-related tactics. Though holiday scams have long existed, online shopping, email and phishing scams, and other […]

Are Pandemic Scams On The Rise?

COVID-19 has impacted all aspects of life, including crime In the late winter and early spring of 2020, our world changed when the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spread around the globe, upending our sense of normalcy entirely. School, work, the global supply chain — seemingly everything has been affected by this virus.  People, as we often […]

Why Is the Biden Justice Department So Focused On White Collar Crime?

Is the United States soft on white collar crime? We spend plenty of our time at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot vigorously defending those accused of committing white collar crimes. We believe it is our duty as defense attorneys to do all we can in the eyes of the law to uphold their […]

What Is Money Laundering?

An often referenced but little understood white collar crime, money laundering is one of the most common white collar crimes in the world. Let the legal experts at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot help you better understand the nature of this crime, it’s prevalence, how investigators approach prosecuting these activities, and how defendants […]

What Is Corporate Fraud?

Let the experts at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot help you better understand the specifics of corporate fraud, how the FBI and federal and state prosecutors treat this type of misconduct, and how defense attorneys help the accused protect their constitutional rights. What is corporate fraud? Corporate fraud can be broadly defined as […]

What Are the Three Most Common White Collar Crimes?

What is white collar crime?  According to the FBI’s own definition, white collar crime is a term that originated in the late 1930s in reference to the category of crimes that are usually financial in nature — either in an effort to scam, steal money or property, or to avoid paying or losing it  —  […]

Some of the Most Outrageous White Collar Crimes of 2020

January 2020: Schemes of staged accidents land Washingtonians in federal prison for insurance fraud Two washingtonians from the Spokane area staged a total of seven accidents, including those related to fall, automobile, and boating accidents in order to defraud insurance companies out of payments to the tune of nearly $1.5 million. According to the U.S. […]

I’ve Been Charged With a Crime — Now What? Essential Things You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged With A Crime

  For some, it’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: You’ve been charged with a crime. Or, you fear, you’re going to be charged with a crime. Either way, the magnitude of these circumstances can cause you to experience all sorts of emotions, which, in turn, can lead to reactive behaviors that could seriously jeopardize your […]