When you find that you have been charged with a crime, it only makes sense to want to seek out the best criminal lawyers that you can find. The good news is that if you are in Newark or the surrounding area, you can count on the team at the Law Offices of Robert J. […]
3 Tips for Making It Through a Tough Situation
If you’ve recently been accused of committing a white collar crime, it can be tough to know which steps you need to take. There is no doubt about it–you’re right in the middle of a really stressful situation. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help. In today’s […]
Take Care of Yourself This Tax Season
With tax season now in full swing, people everywhere are starting to make an effort to file their taxes. Whether you’re filing yourself or taking your information to a professional to make sure that you don’t miss anything, the whole process can sometimes feel incredibly stressful. Are you going to owe money? Will you be […]
What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you are looking for a Newark criminal defense lawyer, you’re in the right place. At the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot, we know exactly what it means to be the white collar crime attorney that you need. That’s why in today’s post, we’d like to highlight a few of the characteristics that we […]
A Few Tips for Defending Against Tax Fraud
We’re now at the time of year when tax fraud will become much more common. People all across the United States are getting back all of the documents that they need to be able to file their returns. Some will inevitably be filing as soon as possible; others will be waiting until the last minute […]
An Update on the Famous White Collar Crimes of Bernie Madoff
If you’ve been following along with our blog for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed a handful of blogs about Bernie Madoff. Madoff’s use of the Ponzi scheme is generally considered to be one of the largest in history. As you might know, the Ponzi scheme is so named for Charles Ponzi who, according […]
What Constitutes Bank Fraud?
Bank fraud is a term that gets thrown around on a fairly regular basis, but the truth of the matter is that it’s a blanket term for a number of other crimes. That’s why in today’s post, we thought we’d take a look at a few of the things that constitute bank fraud. And, of […]
New Year’s Resolutions From Our Criminal Law Firm
It’s that time of year again where people all over the world are settling into their resolutions for the new year. For some, it’s trying to get in shape and eat healthier foods; for others, it’s a plan to delve deeper into a hobby and spend more time doing it. At the Law Offices of […]
Why You Might Have a Blue Christmas Without a White Collar Crime Lawyer
When people think about the holidays, they imagine being surrounded by friends and family members, laughing, eating food, and enjoying the look of surprise on their loved one’s faces when they open the perfect gift. If you’ve been accused of committing a white collar crime, however, you might be feeling a little differently. Fortunately for […]
3 Things to Do If You’re Accused of Tax Evasion
Receiving word that you’re being investigated for tax evasion isn’t something anyone wants to experience, but the fact of the matter is that it does happen. It can be an incredibly overwhelming experience. Your initial reaction might be one of frustration and anger, and that’s a perfectly normal reaction to have. Fortunately for you, the […]