Your Common White Collar Crime Questions Answered

At the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot, we write about white collar crime on a regular basis. Although we discuss white collar crimes in the news, cases that have people talking, and more on our blog, we thought it would be a good idea to provide our readers with a quick refresher on the […]

Why the Right Bank Fraud Lawyer Can Make Your Case

In a recent blog, we went over some of the latest information in the Wells Fargo bank fraud scandal. Although bank fraud isn’t generally something that people have at the front of their minds, thanks to what’s happening with Wells Fargo, bank fraud is being talked about by more people than ever. How can bank […]

An Overview of Tax Fraud

Here at the Law Offices of Robert J. DeGroot, we know exactly what kind of nightmare you might find yourself in if you’re facing charges for tax fraud. Hiring an attorney who mishandles your case can result in the headache of a lifetime. With nearly four decades of experience in handling cases, tax fraud lawyer […]

How to Handle Yourself at Your White Collar Crime Trial

In our last blog, we provider our readers with a guide on how to dress during a white collar crime trial. As promised at the end of that blog, today we’re going to discuss another topic that will be of interest to anyone preparing for a trial. “How should I act during my white collar […]

The Ultimate Guide to Dressing for Your White Collar Crime Trial

If you have followed along with our blog for any amount of time, you’re probably well aware that we often provide our readers with advice on how to prepare for hearings. From what paperwork to bring, whether you are allowed to use witnesses, how to start preparation for your case, and how to find the […]

How The IRS Distinguishes Between Tax Fraud And Tax Negligence

According to the Internal Revenue Service, approximately 17 percent of all American taxpayers are guilty of some degree of tax fraud. Also according to the IRS, and perhaps somewhat surprisingly, 75 percent of those tax cheaters are individuals, not businesses. How Do People Commit Tax Fraud? It’s important to realize that there are two different […]

Is Drug Trafficking A White Collar Crime?

If the Newark police caught you smoking a joint, you probably wouldn’t think to call a white collar crime attorney. Yet, here we are, advertising our defense services for individuals accused of drug trafficking. Exactly why drug trafficking is a white collar crime isn’t immediately obvious for most people. Let’s take a closer look at why […]

Unintentional Tax Mistakes Could Get Your Business In Trouble

For as long as the Law Offices Of Robert J. DeGroot have been providing tax evasion defense services in the Newark area, we’ve yet to run across a business owner who wants to be in trouble with the IRS. Imagine that! Dealing with this government agency takes a lot of time and money, often causing […]

Developments In The Wells Fargo Bank Fraud Scandal

As an expert bank fraud defense attorney in Newark, we’ve been following the recent Wells Fargo scandal very closely. In case you’re not familiar with what happened, here’s a brief recap: In early September, 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau along with other law enforcement and financial agencies accused Wells Fargo of creating millions of […]

Tax Fraud Red Flags The IRS Is Looking For

Not wanting to pay more on your taxes than you have to is completely legal. That’s why we have thousands of accountants and tax preparation consultants in this country. Their job is to make sure that you pay only what Uncle Sam demands, and not a penny more. Wanting to keep money in your bank […]