Why Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney is Not an Admission of Guilt

You may be concerned that hiring a criminal defense attorney makes it appear like you’ve committed a crime and are trying to find a way out of the consequences. That theory could not be further from the truth. Hiring an attorney when you’ve been accused of a crime is the only way to ensure that […]

Are All Drug Crimes Federal Offenses?

Any drug crime you are convicted of is a serious manner and can result in harsh fines, prison sentences, and a lifelong criminal record. However, there are differences in drug crimes, especially sentencing differences at the state and federal level. Keep reading to learn more about drug crimes and the consequences of being convicted.  What […]

What Is Real Estate Fraud? 

Fraud is intentional deception in order to make personal gains, whether monetary or otherwise. Fraud can occur at many points during a real estate transaction. If you’re a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, understanding real estate fraud and how to avoid it can save you a lot of money, time, and inconvenience.  Real Estate […]

I’ve Been Accused of Running a Cryptocurrency Scam: What Should I Do?

Over 20,000 cryptocurrency companies are currently operating with a combined trade value of over $87 billion every 24 hours. This volume of business attracts a lot of attention, especially from law enforcement. Keep reading to learn more about cryptocurrency regulation and what to do if you’ve been accused of committing a cryptocurrency scam.  What is […]

What is Drug Trafficking?

Certain drugs are prohibited in every society, yet those same drugs are easily available to anyone who is seriously looking to purchase them. Cultivating, manufacturing, and distributing illegal substances is what drug trafficking is responsible for. Keep reading to learn more, and to understand what to do if you’ve been accused of drug trafficking.  Drug […]

Do You Always Go to Court for Criminal Charges in New York & New Jersey?

The short answer to this question is “No”, but there are specifics that are important to know. Criminal charges are serious and can drastically change the accused person’s life. It’s important to consider what options there are to settling a case in lieu of going to court.  What Actions Result in Criminal Charges in New […]

Can You Travel With Prescribed Controlled Substance Drugs? 

Traveling, whether for business or leisure, can be hectic. Preparing for a trip means being organized and making sure everything you need is not forgotten. Traveling with prescribed controlled substance drugs can add a new level of stress, but with some planning ahead, it doesn’t have to. Keep reading to learn the facts about traveling […]

Facing a Pharmacy Audit? Here’s What You Should Do 

The outcome of an audit can mean that a pharmacy is required to pay a large sum of money. In order to properly confront an audit of a pharmacy, an attorney should be involved to safeguard the rights of the pharmacy and to negotiate any issues that may arise during the audit. Keep reading to […]

Help! What Should I Do If I’ve Been Accused of Embezzlement? 

Being accused of a crime can be life-altering. An accusation of embezzlement questions your character and threatens your livelihood. Continue reading to learn more about what to do if you’ve been accused of embezzlement.  What is Embezzlement?  Embezzlement is the fraudulent taking of personal property by someone to whom it was entrusted. The difference between […]

What is Internet Crime & What Should I Do if I’m Accused of an Internet Crime? 

Internet crime, also referred to as cybercrime, caused $6 trillion in damages in 2022. There are various types of internet crime, and nearly half of all Americans have had their personal data breached by cyber criminals. Keep reading to learn more about internet crime, and what you should do if you’re accused of it.  What […]