Identity theft is a frightening crime. These kinds of thieves can destroy your credit or even commit other crimes using your name. There are many things you can do to help protect your identity. Let’s take a look at a few of them: Don’t Overshare Identity thieves aren’t likely to announce themselves, so it’s a […]
6 Tips For Protecting Your Credit/Debit Card Information
There are many ways in which a criminal can get hold of your credit or debit card information. “Skimming” is a crime where the information contained on the card’s magnetic strip is reproduced via a device that scans and stores the card data. Lost or stolen cards might also end up in the wrong hands, and dishonest […]
Blue Collar And White Collar Crime: What’s The Difference?
The terms “white collar” and “blue collar” are used to refer to groups of people based on their socioeconomic classes and the nature of their jobs. These terms are also used to describe different types of crime. In today’s blog, we’ll take look at the difference between your average blue collar crime and a white […]
A Bribery and Public Corruption Glossary Part 2
Public corruption law keeps public officials and those who try to buy influence and undue advantages from them accountable for their illegal actions. This area of the law includes a long list of possible charges, and each charge is very similar to the others except for a few specific distinctions. A bribe, for example, is […]
A Bribery and Public Corruption Glossary Part 1
Public corruption law holds those people who try to buy influence and undue advantages from public officials and those officials who let it happen accountable for their illegal actions. It is a complex area of the law that includes a number of offenses, all of which differ from the rest based on very specific distinctions. […]
The Many Faces of Bank Fraud
Most of us hear words like “theft” and “fraud” in our everyday lives, but we’re unfamiliar with what those things really mean when it comes to criminal charges. Bank fraud, for example, can take a number of forms and can be perpetrated by persons in a variety of positions. There are two parts to the […]
What is Embezzlement & How is it Punished?
Although embezzlement and other white collar crimes are not typically classified as violent as other types of crimes, the legal consequences can still be steep. If you’ve ever had access to but not ownership of someone else’s property, then you’ve met the required conditions to commit this crime. A person can be found guilty of […]
Find The Right Criminal Defense Attorney If You’ve Committed A White Collar Crime
Think you’ll get off easy just because it’s a white collar crime? Think again! As you’ll see below, white collar crimes can carry huge penalties and long prison terms. So don’t think think you won’t pay a price just because no one got physically hurt. Think twice before you commit the crime, and if you’re […]
If Your Criminal Defense Law Firm Is For You, Who Is Against You?
Here at The Law Offices Of Robert J. DeGroot, we will fight for your rights the moment you enlist our services. We want you to choose us as your criminal defense law firm because we firmly believe in your Constitutional rights to due process. But if we’re for you, who is against you in a […]
You’ve Heard These Words On TV, But What Does A Defense Attorney Mean By Them?
Chances are you’ve seen quite a few episodes of courtroom dramas on television or have seen movies where a large part of them takes place in the courtroom. As you might expect, there’s much less drama and fewer surprise witnesses than you’ll find in real life. But there are many words and phrases that […]