If Your Trial Is Going To Court, Here’s What You Can Expect From A Defense Attorney

  We started by telling you how important it is to remain silent and contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible if you’re being arrested in New Jersey. We then moved on to explain some of the steps that can occur before a trial and how you can be helped by a criminal […]

When You’re In Trouble For Internet Crimes, Call A Defense Attorney Right Away

There are dozens of ways to break thousands of laws when it comes to internet crime. While you might think you’re just running a simple scam, it can get very complicated when dealing with computers. It doesn’t matter whether it’s hacking, password trafficking, child pornography, fraud, harassment, or bomb threats…if it involves a computer, things […]

Terms A Defense Attorney Might Use And What They Mean

The legal system of the United States is constantly changing…so why do we use so many archaic terms from a dead language that’s thousands of years old? Well, since it’s constantly changing is a good reason to have strong roots, and that’s where a lot of the Latin terms we use come into play. While […]

How Can Your Criminal Law Attorneys Help A Judge With The Sentence

  Contrary to what some people think, it’s the judge, and not the jury, who decides what sentence is to be served should a defendant be found guilty. Let’s make one thing perfectly clear: judges are smart. Nearly every judge started as a lawyer, and they’ve seen every trick and know when a prosecutor or […]

The Types Of Judgements A Criminal Justice Attorney Can Help You Avoid

  Receiving punishment from the judge might seem like the failure of your criminal justice attorney. But in fact, hiring the right defense attorney can help you formulate a case so that the punishment that you do receive is substantially smaller than you would have received otherwise. So if you case ends up going to […]

3 Important Terms To Know When Talking With A Criminal Law Attorney

  We’ll admit it, the language used with the judge and around our criminal defense law firm might seem strange to someone unfamiliar with the legal process. But, just like scientists, it’s important that we have a universal way of speaking so that there’s absolutely no confusion as to what’s being conveyed. Let’s start with […]

Thinking Of Not Hiring A Defense Attorney? Pro Se It Isn’t So!

  Representing yourself in court, also known as Pro Se Legal Representation, is an option. We’re not going to tell you it’s not. You can defend yourself. We will, however, discourage you from doing so, for the following reasons: The law is complex: Some people think that cutting out a criminal defense attorney is as […]

Don’t Do The Crime…But If You Do, Hire A Defense Attorney Fast

  Newark is getting rough…while we love it here and do everything we can to make it a better place by ensuring people get all of the rights to which they’re due, we can’t help but notice that there’s quite a bit of crime in the nightly news We’ve found three sure-fire ways to work […]

Hire The Right White Collar Crime Attorney Or Face The Consequences

  When’s the best time to call a white collar crime attorney? Is it when you’re in the courtroom? Certainly not. How about when the papers have been filed and you’re officially indicted? No, you need to call well before that. Let’s go back in time…the latest you should call a white collar crime lawyer […]

If You’ve Been Accused Of Healthcare Fraud, Contact The Right Criminal Defense Law Firm Immediately

Can we just admit it? Nobody understands the current healthcare system. Not the government, not the hospitals, and most certainly not the patients. You might have tried to help a patient find the best path through the insurance system, whether they had private insurance or Medicare / Medicaid. And maybe by helping them, you did […]