When you’re in trouble with the federal government, which is usually the case with tax fraud, it’s not a matter to be taken lightly. They’ve spent their lives knowing taxes and the law, and you might not know much about either. So what kind of person should you call? Your tax guy can’t practice law, […]
A Tax Fraud Lawyer To Help You Every Step Of The Way
If you’ve ever had a debt collector at your door, you know how you just want the problem to go away. Now, imagine a debt collector who has the power of the United States federal government behind him. That gives you some idea of why you might need a tax fraud lawyer when you’re charged […]
Your Life Can Turn Dark Without The Right White Collar Crime Attorney
White Collar Crime comes about when someone has the opportunity to commit a crime that they might otherwise not have been capable of committing if they’d been in a blue-collar position. This term has only been around about 75 years and is used to describe a non-violent money related crime. If you’ve been accused of […]
Bank Fraud Charges Require An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
If you’ve been arrested or indicted on charges related to bank fraud, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Because you’re dealing with charges at the federal level, this is nothing to take lightly. We’ve seen incredible examples in the last decade of bank fraud…some people have gone to prison. […]
Why Do I Need A “Criminal Defense Lawyer” When I’m Not A Criminal?
One of the most important tenants of our legal system is that you have the presumption of innocence, more commonly said in this way: “you are innocent until proven guilty.” So even if you haven’t done anything wrong, why would you need to call a “criminal defense lawyer”? You might ask yourself if associating yourself […]
Contact An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Quickly If You’re Being Investigated For Mortgage Fraud
There comes a point where the average person just has to trust the experts, and getting a mortgage is one of them. During most mortgage closings, most people will sign anything you put in front of them. Buying a single house has more jargon in the paperwork than they could ever hope to understand; they have […]
Your Entire Career As A Public Servant Could Be Over Now Unless You Find The Right Criminal Justice Attorney
When you’re charged with public corruption, you can’t just beat the charges…you’ve got to obliterate them. That’s because when you’re merely accused of a crime as a public official, the “court of public opinion” has already found you guilty. If you merely win your case, it seems like you simply beat the system. But if […]
A Health Care Law Firm With Experienced Defense Attorneys
The healthcare industry is perhaps the fastest growing industry in our nation. Because it has to do with people’s health, it’s highly regulated, so It stands to reason that it also has the most new laws associated with it. If you’re in need of a defense attorney, be sure to consult with an experienced health […]
Drug Charges Can Be Fought By The Right Drug Possession Attorney
If there’s one thing that’s been made perfectly clear by the burgeoning marijuana industry, it’s that the laws and the public attitude toward drugs is constantly changing. As some drugs become accepted, other’s become more demonized. Do you know the constantly changing laws for New Jersey, its neighboring states, and the federal government? Better yet, […]
Find The Right Tax Evasion Lawyer To Fight For You
It’s not too long until tax season, and you’ll probably see dozens of articles telling you ways to avoid all of the red flags that alert the IRS and sends them your way. We’re not here to tell you how to avoid getting noticed in the first place, but we’ll do our best to keep […]