Are You The Victim Of A Tax Scam? Call Your Newark Tax Fraud Attorney Today!

Tax season is officially in full swing, and it’s the busiest time of the year for scam artists. Crooks are working overtime to get their hands on your tax refund and personal information. It’s important to have your guard up whether you prepare your own taxes or seek professional assistance, as these people have subtle […]

When You Employ A Criminal Defense Attorney, Who Are Some Of The People Working On Your Case?

If you find a lawyer who says that he, himself, alone and with no one else, will be handling your case…run! Every criminal defense attorney at the law offices of Robert J. DeGroot has years of courtroom experience, and our founder has more than 40 years as a criminal defense lawyer. But because of the […]

Even The Smallest Crimes Can Cause Huge Problems, So Hire The Right Criminal Defense Law Firm Right Away

You may think it’s just a small crime, but once the wheels of justice get moving you could be in for a world of hurt. Thousands of dollar in fines, hundreds of hours of worry, and a permanent mark on your record that can follow you the rest of your life. Wouldn’t it be better […]

Alcohol And The Law: Find The Right Criminal Defense Attorney Right Away

Some people are adamantly against any defense for those who are caught in any sort of alcohol-related driving situation…until it happens to them. The fact is, many of us are just one ounce away from hundreds of hours of worry and thousands of dollars in fines. When you think of DUI’s of DWI’s, what comes […]

Why Pharmacies Might Need A White Collar Crime Attorney

We recognize what an incredible feat it is just to become a pharmacist, so when you or your pharmacy is being investigated for criminal activity it’s not something you can take likely. After all, your career and all your years of schooling are on the line. That’s why you need to contact a white collar […]

3 Things That Can Get You In Trouble In A Hospital (and Why You’ll Need a White Collar Crime Attorney)

The amazing complexities of hospitals creates an environment where people can get into trouble, whether intentionally or unintentionally. To a prosecuting attorney, there’s not much difference between someone who is willfully abusing an insurance company and someone who was giving inaccurate coding information. People are also more likely to sue hospitals and staff because they […]

Your Life Can Turn Dark Without The Right White Collar Crime Attorney

White Collar Crime comes about when someone has the opportunity to commit a crime that they might otherwise not have been capable of committing if they’d been in a blue-collar position. This term has only been around about 75 years and is used to describe a non-violent money related crime. If you’ve been accused of […]

Bank Fraud Charges Require An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

If you’ve been arrested or indicted on charges related to bank fraud, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Because you’re dealing with charges at the federal level, this is nothing to take lightly. We’ve seen incredible examples in the last decade of bank fraud…some people have gone to prison. […]

Why Do I Need A “Criminal Defense Lawyer” When I’m Not A Criminal?

One of the most important tenants of our legal system is that you have the presumption of innocence, more commonly said in this way: “you are innocent until proven guilty.” So even if you haven’t done anything wrong, why would you need to call a “criminal defense lawyer”? You might ask yourself if associating yourself […]

Contact An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Quickly If You’re Being Investigated For Mortgage Fraud

There comes a point where the average person just has to trust the experts, and getting a mortgage is one of them. During most mortgage closings, most people will sign anything you put in front of them. Buying a single house has more jargon in the paperwork than they could ever hope to understand; they have […]